books, learning, growth, knowledge, healing Bethany Van Waardhuizen books, learning, growth, knowledge, healing Bethany Van Waardhuizen

Always answer when a book knocks on your door

I’m one of those therapists that’s always talking about a book I read, that I recommend my clients read or that I want to read. There’s an ever-growing list of books I want to read and hopefully will actually get around to. I love it when clients come to the session and discuss a book they read or suggest one to me. It helps me understand them better within the context of a book that’s important to them. Reading is a big part of my life, my learning and my enjoyment of my unscheduled time.

I prefer to read books first before I recommend them, as it’s so much more beneficial for me to be sure I am recommending something clinically sound, relevant and that matches current research as well as my values. It seemed like a reasonable idea to centralize that list here. I’ll section them by already read in italics and “on the list” in bold for clarity. This isn’t every book I’ve read and enjoyed, it wouldn’t be practical to list all of them. This, however, was an easily-thought-of list that came to mind fairly spontaneously, in no particular order.

While I am linking to the author or publisher’s page typically, remember your local library is a great resource to get many of these books, in print or e-book or audiobooks via free app download.

I do not receive any compensation from anyone regarding recommendation of these books, it’s only because I or my clients have benefited so much that I’m sharing my list.

Here we go!

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