How do I know it’s time to see a therapist?

  • You’ve struggled for weeks, months or years and are not functioning well day to day in areas like personal life, relationships, work, sense of self or caring for yourself or others

  • You’re feeling like harming yourself or others or have hurt or attempted to kill yourself

  • Your problems are getting worse

  • Your relationships with friends and family are suffering or broken completely

  • Your job isn’t going well or you’ve been struggling to show up or get work done or can’t find a job at all

  • You’re drinking alcohol or using other substances much more than you intended to or you can’t stop even when you’d like to

I’ve never done therapy before, how do I get started?

Before we schedule our first therapy session, we’ll have a free consultation for up to 15 minutes via phone that you can book here to see if working together is a good fit. If we both think working together will be helpful, I will send you links via email to submit your insurance or self-pay information and a link to log into your own secure client portal to complete pre-session paperwork which I will review before our first session. We can schedule our first session during our initial consultation or we can wait until you’ve completed your paperwork - your choice.

What locations do you serve?

I serve all of Florida via Telehealth and Sarasota, Manatee or surrounding counties in person in my office in Lakewood Ranch. We can also mix and match in person or telehealth sessions depending on your schedule and convenience.

What can I expect during our first session?

During our first session, we’ll go over what to expect during therapy, confidentiality and limitations, any questions you have about therapy and I will ask you to share about yourself. You can ask me any questions you are wondering about too. Typically we’ll start with why you’re seeking therapy and also delve into your family background, including what it was like for you growing up and your current support system including loved ones, your profession, current coping skills and what you feel you need from therapy. All this will help me understand you much better and give you space to open up and feel safe and comfortable. Our sessions will typically be 50 minutes in length, give or take a few minutes. We’ll schedule our next session before ending our current one or you’re always welcome to schedule your next session via your own HIPAA compliant client portal if you choose.

How do I pay for therapy?

I accept insurance or self-pay. If I accept your insurance (check here), we’ll coordinate this during our free 15 minute consultation call. You will know how much your copay will be before your first session occurs. If you’re paying out of pocket, my electronic health record (EHR) called Simple Practice will be used to collect your session fees electronically. I can also use my EHR to send you Superbills if you’re submitting for reimbursement on an out of network insurance if you have out of network benefits on your plan.

What are some possible benefits of therapy?

I believe wholeheartedly that anyone who wants to change and grow can do so. With consistent effort and practice in vulnerability, open-mindedness and with a commitment to caring and loving yourself you can see changes that you didn’t realize were possible. These positive changes can impact the way you feel about yourself, your relationships with others, your symptoms of diagnosed mental health or substance use disorders and your ability to interact in our world in healthier and more fulfilling ways. We will work toward goals that you identify and measure progress, discuss improvements or challenges as we go in each session.

What if I feel therapy isn’t helping?

I 100% encourage you to give me feedback about what helps, what doesn’t, what you’re thinking and feeling and what you need from me that is different than what you’re currently receiving. I am very open minded, strive to be flexible and believe that while I hope to help you, it’s not always a great fit. I will ensure you get referrals for other providers if needed if we’re our relationship isn’t meeting your needs. I can refer you to another therapist, psychiatrist or other prescriber if needed during our work together.