How the heck do I blog anyway?

I decided that I wanted to write a blog for my website. This year I’m making conscious choices to do things that are super new to me - quitting my job as a director at a local agency after working there for over 14 years, opening my own business, creating business cards, figuring out referral sources, creating a website all my myself, learning what SEO is (halfway at least) and realizing that people blog and maybe I should too?

I created my social media sites for Yellow Tree Counseling, LLC, but just cannot keep up with them if I’m being honest. I suppose being honest is a good thing, though it is sometimes super scary. Same with CHANGE. Something I always used to avoid. I’m at a place in life where I want to try new things, take some calculated risks and find more joy and fulfillment in life as a whole. You know, just what everyone everywhere is searching for since the dawn of time.

No big deal, right?!

I want this to be a space where I write about things that are therapy and mental health related. I want to normalize seeking help and talking about mental health. I want to share funny things, contemplative things, ways of coping that may help you in a moment of need - things that are meaningful to me and those that I aim to help through my therapy practice.

So, welcome. Welcome to this space and thank you for sharing in it with me.


What is Anxiety?


Things Your Therapist is Thinking…